10 Tips for an Awesome Summer- You Got This!


It’s June, time to think about your summer. Ever notice how Labor Day comes and you look back on your summer with regret—all the things you hoped to do did not happen. Let’s change that now! Get out your calendar and PLAN for the following activities. Make your summer count. Try new things, take advantage of the warm weather and longer days, enjoy the slower pace and create new traditions and memories. Go through the 10 suggestions below with an open heart and an adventurous spirit. Just Do It!

  1. Step out of character: the same way kids pretend to be someone else and “start fresh” at summer camp, we can have an opportunity to act out of character over the summer too. Mixing things up and acting out of character can teach you a lot about yourself and who knows what opportunities it can open up?

  • Do you prefer adventure? Take up gardening

  • Are you a homebody? Go camping

  • Are you always the boss? Be a participant and not a leader of an activity

  • Do you avoid attention? Sing karaoke….sober

  • Do you wear a lot of makeup? Go natural

  • Do you wear only tans and beiges? Add some color

  • Do you only consider it exercise if you’re pouring with sweat? Try restorative or yin yoga

  • Hate to sweat? Try a spin class or warm yoga

  • Are you impulsive and fast moving? Start writing in a journal and meditating

  • Do you overanalyze everything? Make a quick decision and take on the mantra “fail fast”

2. Experiment with the plethora of fresh fruits and veggies summer has to offer and try some foods you usually overlook.

3. Take advantage of the longer days to take a walk with your spouse, kids or friends at dusk and enjoy the companionship and cooler weather.

4. Get dirty. Garden, walk around barefoot, paint, hike, bake. Do whatever you need to make a mess and enjoy it!

5. Connect with old friends. Summer can make us sentimental. When feeling nostalgic, act on it rather than wallow in it. Call, email, text or even snail-mail an old friend. It is never too late.

6. Find your inner athlete—even if you have to search really, really hard. Join a tennis clinic, play on your neighborhood softball team, run a 5k, hike a local trail, bike on vacation, participate in a master swim class, play Frisbee or kadima, do cartwheels, or just go back to #3 and walk


7. Invite friends and neighbors over to grill. No need to set up a fancy table. Burgers, hotdogs and beer can be an easy way to entertain without the pressure. Paper plates and no cooking pans can make clean up a snap.

8. Throw things out!! A cluttered house can feel even more claustrophobic in the heat. Spend a few moments every day or pick one day a week to clear out the clutter. As my husband tries to tell me “the garbage can be your friend”.

9. Read a juicy book or watch a juicy show. Put away the non-fiction and the news and read or watch something that is pure bliss. A whodunit, romance, fantasy, whatever your preference, indulge!

10. Create a new family tradition. Game night, Friday night dinner with friends, put together a 1000 piece puzzle, have a ping pong tournament, take a trip to the beach, whatever you need to do to share something special and make it an ongoing memory.

So… what’s your plan? Share your priorities in the comments section, announce them to your friends, put them in INK into your calendar and make things happen. As Sheryl Sandberg says “YGT”—You Got This!


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