Clarity, Momentum Amy Alpert Clarity, Momentum Amy Alpert

Acting "As If"

Acting “as if” is a low stakes way to notice in your body how a new situation might feel, get a sense of your skillset and what areas you may to develop, and potentially demonstrate to others that you are ready for the next step.

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Liberation, Momentum Amy Alpert Liberation, Momentum Amy Alpert

Goal for 2022: Deep Work

A goal I have for my business for 2022 is to do more deep work. I am so scattered these days. Jumping from one meme or one story or one tweet to the next. I want to focus on one non-fiction book at a time. Immerse myself in a topic. Learn and share, learn and share, learn and share. This is how I operate best. When the learning is in small tasters like memes and tweets, I don’t really absorb the information. I don’t find its depth. It’s a great dopamine rush, but it disappears as quickly as it came.

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